Lore reveals with some agent identities added on several maps with the latest act

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, March 2, 2022 3:24 PM

The latest act has added "dossiers" in some spawns of Valorant's maps with messages from the blackmailer that first threatened Brimstone with an email a couple of patches ago. They reveal the identities of six agents (Brimstone, Viper, Omen, Sage, Raze, Chamber) and give hints to their old lives before becoming agents.

We now know for sure that Chamber's real name is Vincent (it wasn't just an alias) and also when Omen's name was "changed" in Viper's voiceline, it wasn't a retcon, it was completely intentional.

All dossiers written below:

CALLSIGN // Brimstone NAME // Liam Byrne CLASSIFICATION // Human

Hello, Liam.

You keep your people close, don’t you? First the BFD, Engine 8. Then the Special Forces - you and your Ragged Ravens. You would have done anything for them.

And yet, despite all your best efforts, you watched Tariq Porter die. What did Sumaira say when you told her?

Now. After all this time, has anything changed? Or are you leading VALORANT to the slaughter? Do you really think you can save anyone?

CALLSIGN // Viper NAME // Sabine Callas CLASSIFICATION // Human

The esteemed Dr. Callas.

The youngest recipient of the R. Francis Prize. Winner of the Denton Outstanding Innovation Award. And the first Chief Scientific Officer on Kingdom’s Board of Advisors.

And then… the incident. Everything changed after that, didn’t it? You changed. You isolated yourself - shed all the pieces of your life in the name of vengeance.

Have you ever stopped to think about what's left? Of the person that will remain? When all your rage is spent?

CALLSIGN // Omen NAME // [Redacted] CLASSIFICATION // Radiant*

First Light was not kind to you, John. Or was it Fred? Everywhere I look, a new alias. Marcus. Yohan. Dimitri. But no true name. Do you even know who you were? From what I found at Point Light, I suspect not.

What sort of person has no name? Not an honest one. You are a monster now; perhaps you were a monster before.

If you succeed in finding your answer, I hope you don’t regret it.

CALLSIGN // Sage NAME // Ling Ying Wei CLASSIFICATION // Radiant

Ling Ying Wei. The Balm of Shaanxi. All the good you’ve done. The costs endured. Yes, I found the monastery.

Have you forgotten those lessons? Over and over, they taught Balance. Action, reaction. Do you believe this does not apply to you? That a life saved does not mean a life taken? I don’t know the answer. Do you? Or is the thought of it too much? That with every selfless act, your toll keeps climbing?

Yes. Ignorance is safer.

CALLSIGN // Raze NAME // Tayane Alves CLASSIFICATION // Human

Tayane Alves. Tatá to friends. Daughter of her beloved city.

I have walked your streets; seen your art. Beautiful, if not lacking in discipline. But the abandoned Kingdom plots remain. Splashed with paint. A testament to your victories.

That paint is fading. You’ve been away too long. Kingdom is a weed, and it will return to choke the life from your home. What will become of Bahia, I wonder, when you are indisposed?

CALLSIGN // Chamber NAME // Vincent Fabron CLASSIFICATION // Human

When did your game start, Vincent? Saint-Étienne? Culverin? Kingdom Defense was only a stepping stone - by then you had your path.

And what a path. Your ends allude me, but this is not aimless ambition. Whatever your goal, you believe it necessary. It is, perhaps, the one truth you hold sacred.

But no matter your intent - right or wrong - there will be judgment. If it goes against you, if they call you “villain”... Can you live with that forever?


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/t4awe0/lore_reveals_with_some_agent_identities_added_on/
  • https://reddit.com/t4awe0

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