Losing 20 Rank rating for a match with a 3 stack AFK in spawn auto-firing classics is awful. What's worse is that Riot probably won't even ban them.

Posted by Steve

Saturday, November 27, 2021 9:09 AM

Losing 20 Rank rating for a match with a 3 stack AFK in spawn auto-firing classics is awful. What's worse is that Riot probably won't even ban them.

Just finished a silver/bronze match where a random Jett and I were queued with a 3 stack. I was surprised (somewhat pleasantly) when they all locked in controllers. Brim says in voice chat not to worry, cause he will carry. Load into the game and all 3 of them sit in spawn just auto clicking fire on their classics for the whole game. The jett and I make the most of it trying different strategies and manage to win 2 rounds. Finally get out of the game and lose 20 RR for the loss. Everyone says they reported them at least once, but I somehow doubt Riot is going to do anything...


1 AFK is manageable, 2 can even be managed on offense. But 3+ just holds the lobby hostage. Bring solo/duo and flex queues to Valorant, it won't fix everything, but it could do a lot of good.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/r2xq20/losing_20_rank_rating_for_a_match_with_a_3_stack/
  • https://reddit.com/r2xq20

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