Posted by Steve
Tuesday, November 15, 2022 1:00 AM
So the new act came out like 1 month ago or something. I ended up asc 3 last act and since the new one i've just had an absurd lose streak and now im d2. I've tried everything, solo q duo trio and 5stacks(even in lower ranks) yet i just cannot win or my w/l is 40%. I've even tried taking breaks up to 2-3 days, then returned and even if i played good i couldnt win. Its either they comeback from a 10-2 or just smack our entire team, either way i lose no matter what. So i need some sugestions on how to improve or how can i deal with this. Im not even new to the genre, ive been on val since beta, global on csgo and hut diamond on siege multiple times bht this is the first time i get deranked so much and after trying so many methods
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