Posted by Steve
Thursday, November 26, 2020 4:50 AM
Need to address something about the anti cheat and how they deal with bans. It seems like it's based off of reports or somebody buying cheats and sending them to riot. The problem is you can't get into all the private cheats and if that's the only way to detect them... they will stay undetected for a LONG time. There was even a post made by riot saying that people aren't reported enough 50% of cheaters when banned are never even reported. I know people who have been playing since beta cheating and never been banned so... it's definitely an issue.
“97% of players have never even received a single report—no one has ever found their behaviour suspicious enough to comment on. Of these 3% of players that have been reported for cheating, more than 80% of them have only ever been reported by a single player. 90% have been reported by fewer than 3 players. To put this another way, only 0.6% of players have received more than 1 cheating report and only 0.3% have received 3 or more. However, reports and cheaters aren’t perfectly correlated, many reported players are innocent and not all cheaters get reported before they’re banned. Right now only 53% of banned cheaters were reported before their ban and only 60% of players with 20 reports get banned after review.”
This is especially common in lower elo like gold / plat / diamond where people just assume someone is smurfing when it's pretty obvious the person is wall hacking. That means the CLOSET CHEATERS rarely if ever get banned since there's nobody even looking into it (20+ reports get reviews only and less than 0.3% of players get more than 3 reports). If there aren't enough reports it won't even be looked into. ALMOST HALF of the cheaters banned have never been reported. The fact that these bans are only done after getting numerous reports also leads to a lot of false bans and closet cheaters simply not getting reported because people can't tell the difference. Something needs to be done about the accuracy of these bans whether it's hiring more people aside for the anticheat team or expediating the release of demos. Something needs to change because valorant has been overrun with cheaters for at least a month. I haven't seen any mention of banwaves and the only bans I see are manual bans in high mmr based off reports like this twitter post.
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