Low Elo Players and My Thoughts On Them

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, May 25, 2021 6:02 PM

So for the past few days of playing only comp (besides warming up on deathmatch and spike rush), I've gotten queue'd with people who literally dive for kills for literally no reason, people who throw the match because after they dive bomb themselves without getting a kill, they turn completely toxic and throw the match by doing the same thing over and over again.

I'd go with a group but that can be a benefit or disadvantage, as it seems there are smurfs and silvers who just should be in a higher elo, around every corner so unless you yourself has a smurf, you're pretty much f'ed. Solo queue'ing in lower elo's is just mainly toxic and i've been back and forth in silver for a while now because i just keep getting the same type of players, rarely running into people who actually want to play the game.

Ive also read that higher elo's can be like this too so is it like this everywhere? Its kind of aggravating running into people who play call of duty on valorant.

EDIT: i forgot about the afk bots that shoot and move slightly every so often to avoid AFK detection, i've ran into an unnecessary amount lately and thats also kind of annoying


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/nke72s/low_elo_players_and_my_thoughts_on_them/
  • https://reddit.com/nke72s

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