Low Elo Valorant is HELL

Posted by Steve

Friday, September 2, 2022 10:50 PM

For context, I just recently started playing Valorant. Before this, Overwatch was the only FPS game I’d ever played, and I was Masters (think of Immortal in Val terms).

In the last week since starting, I’ve climbed from Iron 3 (my placement) to Silver 2. I was super happy and having a lot of fun- until I got the “throwers.” I’m not exaggerating, I’ve just played my 12th game in a ROW (played 6 yesterday, 6 today) with either a leaver or someone AFK in spawn with an auto clicker.

I don’t mind losing, I want to learn and get better, but this isn’t “losing.” Is this normal for a free FPS game like Valorant or have I just been unlucky?

Edited to include time frame.*


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/x3n97r/low_elo_valorant_is_hell/
  • https://reddit.com/x3n97r

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