Low immortal is easier than plat/Diamond prove me wrong

Posted by Steve

Saturday, October 2, 2021 2:55 PM

Title says it all, recently got into low immortal and the lobbies are full of boosted people compared to the diamond and even plat lobbies. I have found it much easier to win games and I think I figured out why. Once people hit immortal they either stop playing for a while bc they hit immortal and are rusty. Or they get boosted to immortal and then finally play on their account and don’t know how to play.

Regardless gold through low immortal is all the same. Theres smurfs in every lobby, trolls, toxic kids, and good people in every lobby. The only thing that really changes is game sense and the higher the rank you go the less people care if they win or lose. It’s a lot more about having fun and people don’t cry as much in high elos because it’s just a game.

At the end of the day, don’t worry about your rank just have fun. Winning is fun, but losing rank isn’t the end of the world. Your rank means virtually nothing unless you are trying to go pro, but that is .001% of players. Just have fun and stop being toxic everyone has bad games.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/pzhw9d/low_immortal_is_easier_than_platdiamond_prove_me/
  • https://reddit.com/pzhw9d

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