Made it. 49 years and now a Gold 1 Rank. Made it!

Posted by Steve

Saturday, October 22, 2022 1:57 PM

Since Release i am playing roundabout 2 Matches in the evening, and little more on the weekend.( Lvl 265) Less Movies and a little later bedtime is the sacrifice.
Kids are in Bed at 8 and 9 pm. And wife nightshifts, nurse. Proud of her.

I did start on release with Viper ( back then found her to hard) and stuck with Sage as main. Sage suits my age and slower reaction.

I moved up from Iron slow but steady.

What did I learn or change since i startet:

  1. Dps down to 400 - now back to 800
  2. Always warm up 10 minutes. Always blanked to stay warm, and finger stretch
  3. I have now walk as standard and need shift to run.
  4. I use my ears far more lately to aim then when i startet. Means i truly try to aim based on my hearing to get a tiny little faster. I think my brain now knows what noise means where my target is when i peak. I even try in warmup not to look sometimes. Just to see if i hit based on ears
  5. I used Phantom majorly. Feel it is more suitabke for a Sage and my style.
  6. I do more kills on defense always.
  7. I far more use info from map or playstile of teammates now. I mean more tactical thinking, even so teammates not. Example: 1. position to have crossfire.
  8. Wait for teammates to take sites with them, be aware of weapon of teammates.
  9. Find out in the first rounds who plays duelist correct. Who uses skills good to move in. Who do i help on getting trades, who do i provide most heals.
  10. I listen far better to what weapons are on other side,the sound. To know based on my weapon if i should go for close or distant.

And latest change: play more agents now. Fade, Neon

Well just happy to have reached my goal.

I do not believe i can reach more then gold.

I need to be honest that my reaction time will cause a limit based on age. I land more and more as bottom frag now.

But had to share my great moment.

Take care all.



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