Main Reason why people feel obliged to insta lock duelist is because you "usually" gain less RR otherwise. [See Photo]

Posted by Steve

Monday, November 22, 2021 5:04 AM

Playing sentinel should not mean you have to get less RR, firm believer if your team wins then your controller and sentinel should get some bonus rr to compensate for needing to play passive which results in less kills.

I played a good game with cypher even though I got only 11 kills. We were on icebox and down 9-3 in attack. To turn it around in defense I asked my teammates to keep stacking A while I hold both B and mid with my trips and cam. The attack kept running down A till they realised we were just stacking A, by the time they realised we made it to 9-9 from 9-3 half. This was only possible because I locked down mid, locked down tubes with both my trips and had a cam hidden in B for rotations. The few times the other team tried to rotate to B I got the early info so my team can quickly rotate, all this was possible because I was very passive and playing around my utilities. Made a brilliant comeback just to gain +12rr lol

Played a very good game with cypher in a 9-3 comeback but it resulted in just +12 rr win.



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