Posted by Steve
Monday, January 24, 2022 11:33 PM
Today I played 5 matches of Deathmatch and 5 matches of Unrated. Out of all my 10 matches, I only played 3 maps.
Unrated: 4x Icebox; 1x Fracture
Deathmatch: 2x Split; 1x Fracture; 1x Icebox
Total: 5x Icebox; 2x Fracture; 2x Split
Going back to my last 15 matches: 9x Icebox; 2x Fracture; 2x Split; 2x Ascent; 0x Bind; 0x Haven
Is anyone else having horrible map luck? Is this intended behavior? Didn't Riot say they "fixed" map rotation? Looks like it didn't work.
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