Masters Reykjavik vs Masters Copenhagen agent pick rate

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, July 27, 2022 1:57 PM

Hello everyone!

With the thrilling final of Masters Copenhagen behind us I would like to know your opinion on the agent pick rates. We are all aware of the rise and rise of our rich friend Chamber, who went from 44% in MR (Masters Reykjavik) to 77% in Masters Copenhagen (MC), but something else noteworthy to me is the drop in Sova's pick rate from 49% in MR to a lowly 19%. Were the nerfs too much or is Sova in a balanced spot right now?

Speaking of nerfed agents, our knife throwing updrafting Jett forgot to hover and fell down to a 17% pick rate in MC. In MR, she was the top picked agent with 65% but Raze has completely skyrocketed up to first place with 54% pick rate in MC (up from 28% in MR).

Astra, despite her stellar nerf is still seeing 23% (MR) and 24% (MC) pick rate. Her colleague in dome smoking Brimstone seems to have been picked an assload more in the last tournament: from 15% (MR) to 30% (MC).

Also, our new iniator Fade is wreaking havoc in the pro scene with a whopping 52% pick rate in MC. Has she completely overthrown Sova as top info gathering agent or is she just hyped up because she's new and people haven't discovered counter measures?

Some agents really saw some big changes in pick rate and some others stayed around the same. What are your thoughts about the pro pick rates? Are you surprised by the most and least picked agents?




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