Matchmaking needs a fix, fast

Posted by Steve

Monday, November 29, 2021 12:31 AM

We all know that Riot prioritises the ability of premade teams with vastly differernt skill level to play together over fair matchmaking. But it really is getting out of hand and here is why:

I look at my past 15 games Matchhistory, and ALL 15 were complete unbalanced ****shows. The closest game of all 15 games was 13/7. The next closes one was 13/4, all other 13 games were 13/lower than 4 scores. Win or lose, the game is completely unable to match up even remotely balanced teams against each other.

All we can do is hope RIOT will fix it, and fix it soon. It really gets out of hand. People should ALWAYS be matched with/against ONLY players of exactly the same rank, maybe +- 1 rank max deviation. If premade teams have a larger skill difference, they should be put into a separate queue against other premades with similar skill differences. Soloqueue should only in maybe 1/10 games be added to that second queue to fill spots, so everyone has to fill in and play and unbalanced match once in a while, but the majority of games should be same skill level.

It really sounds very simple to do.



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