Matchmaking is THE deciding factor

Posted by Steve

Monday, November 16, 2020 3:53 PM

Afks? Getting stomped by that one enemy player? One game people do tactical callouts, the next they scream "nuuub" at every failed clutch?

The most important thing in this game are the players. Without challenging opponents, this game becomes an uninteresting stompfest. And without cooperating teammates, this game loses much of its soul. After all, this is a teamgame.

I'm not saying that other issues shouldn't also be fixed. But honestly - long term, this game will thrive on better matchmaking rather than a fancy new skinline. "The next big 10-year esports" is also built by its community. If the community is matched poorly, it reflects in their experience. Poor experiences won't increase player numbers.

Maybe behaviour based matchmaking is the key, but regardless of that, everyone of us can also improve the community one step at the time. Try to make the game nice for others! If you don't know how, here's three things you can consider implementing:

  • Compliment good gameplay!
  • Call out blatant Sexism, Racism, Hate Speech
  • Report AFKs, even in the enemy team



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