Posted by Steve
Friday, July 8, 2022 4:36 PM
Yesterday I was having a bad day in Valorant.
I first played 2 unrated games with friends just to warm up and have fun. Both games we played against smurfs leveling accounts and got absolutely destroyed so obviously I was a little bit annoyed.
After that we started a competitive match. The enemy team had a smurfing Viper unluckily who also destroyed us. However that's not the point. I noticed how extremely bad I played. I lost a lot of gunfights, took a lot of gunfights I shouldn't have and just straight up did dumb things like Chamber tp'ing while knowing there was an enemy nearby and got instantly killed.
So after this game I just knew I was done for the day. I don't get tilted easily, but after these games it's safe to say I was not in the best mindset. If I continued playing I would probably just continue the losing streak.
My point: if it's not going well just take a break and try again later. It's basically only getting worse at that point. I'm pretty sure the ranked game was winnable if I had been in a good mindset.
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