Met the most wholesome friend on Valorant months ago that changed my entire gaming experience, I hope you all come across teammates like this. Thank you so much Riot for the game/community :')

Posted by Steve

Friday, December 17, 2021 2:55 AM

Not a super interesting post, sorry. I'm buzzed and I just can't express enough how thankful I am to all employees of Riot and the community. Because of Valorant I met people who reminded me the main purpose of gaming should be to have fun, and never get so stressed/tilted/drained. I was at that point in gaming where I was getting tilted every other day by toxic people or my own inconsistent gameplay - then I queue into a game of Val and meet this teammate that's now one of my best friends.

I hope everyone gets to meet people like her in their games. She naturally reminds us to not let toxicity get to us. To always be kind and say "glhf" or "ggwp" before and after games, and to try to compliment the enemy team on their shots/gameplay. She's currently on her 3rd deployment but somehow finds time to help my gf learn and practices with her in customs. This energy carries to all the games we play now, we never seriously tilt anymore and gaming has only become such a refreshing time for my friends and I. How it should be

There's a lot of toxicity in gaming, but there's a lot of wholesome moments too. If you don't, or rarely meet someone wholesome like this, try to become that person. =)

Edit: Removed some photos for privacy concerns :D

She loves to collect skins, she buys the \"hated\" ones for memes and to make people laugh. She even buys skins she doesn't personally like or use, so she can drop them for others

She's always excited to get new skins, buddies, player cards, to her collection. Very wholesome and makes us smile lol



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