Posted by Steve
Tuesday, January 12, 2021 6:02 PM
Had a game where only one person other than me had a mic. Still, that single person rarely ever used it. Later on in the game, I started to get frustrated from my team playing so slow so I, the Sova, started to push in as bait to get my team moving. Gotta make sacrifices eventually. The few times that person used his mic, I could always hear a voice in the background, a clear distinctive voice. Okay, maybe he just has friends watching him or something. Fast forward to the last round (we win), and theres some issue and the sole other guy with mic is calling the other teammates dicks because something gun skin was stolen from him. In the background once more, I hear voices, a bunch of them. All together it clicked in my mind. They were all in a discord, no matter how many times I asked the others a question or anything, zero response because they couldnt be bother to hit their mic key on Valorant. So it turns out, I spent an entire game looking at radar, calling out everything I could because I thought, okay, no one has a mic so I gotta step up as the dude to inform everyone where they are cause their basically in the dark. I’ve never felt so tired after a game simply learning all my comms were useless and I wasted my breath thinking I was useful for once. Tldlr: Please use your comms if you have a teammate who is constantly giving out locations. PS: I’m an introvert who barely talks in real life. If I can give comms, you can give comms not matter how shy you feel.
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