MMR seems to be in the gutter with 65%+ winrate

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, May 10, 2023 5:33 PM

I've been grinding my way up the ranks and have reached immortal with a 65%+ win rate and a 1.17 KD. However, I'm starting to get frustrated with the low gains I'm receiving compared to the people I've been playing with. It's demotivating when, in matches where I'm the MVP, I'm only getting +2 or even the same compared to my friend's rr gains.

I understand that I may not have performed as well as I could have in some matches, but it's disheartening to receive such low gains when the average rank of the lobby is the same as mine. To make matters worse, in my recent games, my MMR is so terrible that the enemy team is getting 3-4 ascendant players, I understand I'm only immortal 1 but when duo queuing with another immortal you'd think there would be 3 ascendants in the entire lobby.

I understand that this topic might have been brought up countless of times but I'd love to hear from the r/valorant community on any tips or advice on how to improve this situation. I'm all ears!



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