Most and least interesting agent personalities

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, August 17, 2022 12:31 AM

Just for fun, based on a discussion I just had with some friends.

in your opinion which agents have the best personalities and which are the most bland.

I am a biased KJ simp but for me she has the funniest and most unique personality. Phoenix and Raze are some other top tiers as well, all three of these characters are just very clear on who they are, they're all super unique, and are all extremely likable.

Mid: Reyna, Jett, Viper, Brimstone. they're just a little 1 dimensional to me, and not very unique. Feel like characters I've seen a thousand times before.

Worst for me has got to be Neon. She has the most boring and generic voice lines, and no personality at all. Low tiers would also be Sage and Breach. Their voicelines aren't quite as generic as Neon but they're close.

No strong opinion tier: Chamber, Sova, Omen, Cypher, whoever else I didn't mention

WTF tier: Astra

I didn't put much effort into this btw so my opinion could be swayed.



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