Motivation really helps you win matches.

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, October 27, 2020 7:20 PM

So we were playing split with no agent who can smoke. And everytime we push B the killjoy turret and alarmbot bot nades kept annoying us and then kill joy would peek and kill us. Everytime we went A their omen will one way smoke and 3 of our team mates would run in smoke and die and we were 11 - 1 down in the first half. With our Gold 1 Reyna at 0 Elims (I am silver 2 who maxed at Gold 3 during the 1st 2 Acts but this was entire silver 1 lobby with Gold Reyna). So anyways the weird thing was no one started being toxic even though we were doing so bad. When defense started what i did was like whenever anyone from our team killed enemy i sayed "Well done nice elim", "Well done Good pick Reyna" and other stuff like that and then suddenly everyone started giving callouts and everything we ended up winning 14 - 12.



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