Posted by Steve
Saturday, April 8, 2023 10:21 AM
This post is regarding players in lower elo that throw games due to someone being toxic. Not sure if this happens on every server but it's extremely annoying. I've had multiple games of mine thrown due to someone else's toxicity. I am not trying to defend toxic people, I agree they do not deserve winning at times but this is a 5v5 game which means 3 other people also get their games thrown for no reason. Most people in lower elo have been stuck in their ranks for ages and take the game extremely seriously due to which they start getting toxic, instead of throwing everyones, including your own game, you should try muting them. Muting really helps focus on the game and forget about whatever was said. Please don't throw games for people who did nothing to deserve it. I also suggest trying other game modes if you cannot handle the repetitive toxicity in competitive valorant.
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