Posted by Steve
Wednesday, February 3, 2021 12:02 AM
Meet Matan, a humble carpenter hailing from the country of Jordan. Use your ladder and wall to create new cover and peeking spots for your team, and your paint bucket is critical for gaining round winning information.
Q: Wooden ladder - 1 charge: EQUIP a ladder. Place anywhere on the battlefield for a climbable vertical boost usable by teammates and enemies alike. Breaks after 4 uses. Enemies may use it to their advantage or intentionally break it.
E: Paint bucket - 2 charges: EQUIP your paint bucket. Fire to launch a splash of paint in a large area directly in front of you. Enemies that are hit by the paint are slowed for 2.3 seconds. Enemies that walk through the paint leave behind telling footprints that last for 6 seconds. The paint lasts for 60 seconds.
C: Improvised Cover - 1 charge: Place an indestructible, wall-bangable wall with slits at head high to reveal anyone standing behind it. A little shorter and narrower than Sage's wall.
Ultimate: Decoy Spike: Activate to give yourself a fake spike, built by you. If you are seen by an enemy, it shows on their minimap as if they have seen the spike. If you successfully plant the fake spike (it makes the sound too) , you get extra credits and it detonates (after 15 seconds) with a slightly reduced radius, causing 72 damage to anyone caught in the blast.
What do you guys think? Let me know if you'd make any changes. I think he'd be fun to play! Thank you for reading.
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