My arm aches a lot after changing my aim training, any advice to help this?

Posted by Steve

Saturday, August 6, 2022 5:33 AM

So, I changed my aim training to be more intense and the result is my aim becoming much better but after a few games my arm starts to ache and my fingers feel cramped. It has really helped me in terms of aim but after a few games my performance goes down the drain and I play like hell because of my cramping fingers and hurting elbows. Is it a stamina thing or maybe my training is too intense since I used to do light aim training before games? I just need some people to help me out on this since I wanna improve, thanks.

Aim Training in the exact order:

  • Red's Aimlab Playlist
  • 50 Bots Strafe/50 Bots Normal
  • 2 Easy Difficulty Bots
  • 10 site defuse scenarios on hard mode
  • Going into custom and picking map to train crosshair placement and peaking
  • 2 Hard Bots
  • 5~ Deathmatches
  • 1-2 Unrated Games

I also do some aimlab tasks in between rounds such as gridshot. I don't know if this is important but my sens is 2800 DPI, 1.299 sens and I find it tiring to precisely control my arm constantly as to have better precision while aiming, the reason for this is because I mainly use my wrists because using my arm is really tiring and I simply don't need to do a 2520° playing Valorant(I think).



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