My Attempt at creating the Valorant Lore Episode/Movie #1 Project A

Posted by Steve

Friday, November 20, 2020 9:24 PM

So I was thinking.... Valorant is at a point where it is a great time to creat aa movie universe from it, So I was thinking if my head formulating how the story will go and this is what i kind up with.

Movie 1: Project A

First 5mins: Sabine is working as a chemical engineer in a site in USA. Previously a pharmacist, she came aboard the secret project to uncover the chemical properities of the radianite, brought about by the first light. In the beginning of the film, she can be seen running to a board to room, where the shy young lady is holding her report on a new chemical, one which can release 18 hydrogen per molecule in water, making it the strongest acid ever in history. Furthermore, the acid can be self generated using atmoospheric gases of nitrogen and hydrogen. Before she entered the meeting room, she got a call from her brother, a soldier fighting in algeria. She ignores the call and slience her call. This report could get her a promotion. (In this scene note she ignore her crush as well on the well to the meeting room)

5th to 7thmin: All the way in Algeria, we will see a colonel, named B.S. Jackson on his name tag. He held his back against the wall. They were under fire, and a few 100metres from his teams' rovers. "Sir! we have more hostiles coming our way!". The Colonel opens up a holographic screen on the forearm, requesting back up. "Sky Smokes are ready to be deployed!". The Colonel using his holographic screen marks the location. Incoming smokes in 15s.

7th to 11thmin: "All right bois, get ready to move out!". The intro music "Beast of America" plays. In this fight scene, we will get introduce to the sky smoke and stim beacon. Trust me, play Beast of America, close your eyes and imagine The Colonel running through heavy fire with his team in a deserted town in a desert. U will immediately get the idea.

12th-20thmin: Sabine comes back home late at night, disappointed by the days events. They were not willing to be in any effort. They were more interested in Experiment X009, which Sabine complains to her pet snake, a viper, which could give the USA more miltary power. Sabine soon gets a call. Her brother died. Colonel Jackson told her the body of her brother can be send back home. Sabine calmly as she can agreed, though it came across cold heartedly. Sabine Broke down and cried... depressed, broken. (she holds a classic pistol on her head in this scene, but never shot it)

20th-25thmin: "Colonel Jackson! U wanted to discuss with me about something?" The colonel took a seat. "Yes General, its about the on going attack aftermath in Algeria." "This events caused by the First Light is happening everywhere Ben... U should no that." "It is not that". Colonel Jason(Ben) took out intel he gathered from Algeria. "It is about our military creating Radianites". The General look of empathy changed to a cold stare. "This information is above your..." "Luckily it seems your previous experiments failed... but what about X009" "ENOUGH!".The General started to lose his temper. "U see the news today? One woman created a tornado, in another story, another story of this woman, call herself crusader, criminal u ask me, causing chaos in Isarel. All this safety problems from this radiants... and by some good forture, none are under our command." The Colonel stood up and walk away... "When I lost good men today, I... " "nothing u said comes out of the room". The colonel holds the knob, "u better hope so"

25th-30thmin: Sabine read the newspaper on the bus to work, with the Headlines reading "Algeria denouce USA in black operations on its soil". A smaller headline reads "Increase in drug cartels in Morocco, Government losing control". Beside Sabine was a German Girl, young, maybe even just turned 20, playing with a rubicks cube. "Hey, can use mess this cube for me?" Sabine gave a cold stare... "oh, haha, its fine, sorry to... hey you work on the site too dont u?" Sabine nodded. "Cool, I work on the site too" "Aren't u a bit too young" "Haha, thats what everyone says! People think im prodigy , well good enough to work here. My Guadian Ben help me got the job" "Guardian?" "ya long story for another time." The coversation continues, where the german girl talks about her family, and how she had an older brother in German why she was taken under care of Brim due to her age of 13 at that time. The girl also went on talking about her engineering feats, even about the holographic bracer she made for Ben.

30th-35thmin: "Hey can u, help me design this?" Sabine ask. She introduce the German girl to her some designs she made, such as a toxin wall and toxin grenade, which the toxin itself can regenerate itself in the device. The German discuss the idea. "A toxin regenerable with the radianite, and hydrogen and nitrogen. I will see what I can do." "thks, hey my name is Sabine.. whats urs?" "U can call me Kelly". The two then reach their stop at the site and alighted.

35th-37thmin: Kelly went to her room on the site, where she was free to design and build as she please. Blueprints of defenses were on the table. On her computer came a reply for improvements to the guardian, increasing its fire rate and reducing the recoil of the gun. The girl adjusted her beanie and got to work on the designs Sabine told her about. Just then she got a phone call.

37th-45th min: In this scene, Kelly gets a call from her guardian Ben. In which Ben ask for data on X009. At this scene, what happens is that learn of this organisation called Kingdom, working beside the US government on X009. This programme however is above her clearance. However, Kelly finds out that Sabine works in the project. Ben and Kelly than devise a plan to get the infomation.

till the 75th min: Sabine and Kelly work together to get the information, over the course of 3 days. In this, there are bunch of events that will take too much time to explain, so here is what basically happens 1. Sabine learns that the death of her brother has relations to X009. 2. Sabine's crush hinted he was gonna take part in the experiment... we at this point we still do not know his name. 3. kelly finish with the first prototype on Sabine's smoke design. 4.

75thmin to 85th min: Brim looks through the experiment from the intel he got, and finds out that the Kingdom have infiltrated the US government.

85th min onwards, experiment X009 has happened, shaking up the facility in which Sabine and Kelly are in. Omen is suggested to be created, also suggested to be Sabine crush. Upon the destruction of the facility, Sabine started rushing back home, Sabine finds her house ransacked. Why looking around the her house, she started getting shot at. Sabine finds her classic pistol in an intense action sequence and takes down her aggressors. Kelly then arrives to her house, from data gathered from her previously. Kelly than brings Sabine to a helicoper which ben arrange, explaining they were being hunted by the Kingdom.

On 100thmin onwards, Ben secretly blowed the whistle on the US government in a media, telling the world, that the US, along with other governments has been infiltrated with Kingdom agents. This led to a shock in the media coverage and delegates express outrage over the matter. The world went into chaos. At this point of the movie, Kelly and Sabine landed in Morocco where Ben and his team were. There Ben wanted to intercept an attack on Bind, an radianite processing facilty. What follows is an action scene where the protagonists defend Bind. Omen took part in the battle too, though it was unclear which side he is on yet (still decyphering the lore).

Movie ending: Bind fell to the Kingdom, and Ben was knock unconscious, only to awaken in a facility where Kelly and Sabine were there. As he woke up, a man walked in, saying welcome to Project A, Agent BrimStone.

So I address somethings... first, this is for fun, dont kill me, second, spoiler, I know Viper is going to become a >!villian!<, but not yet. thirdly, I may do or not do another one of these. It takes time to type it out, time i can be using to play valorant. Kelly is Killjoy and Sabine is Viper. thats about it. Please dont hate.



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