Posted by Steve
Tuesday, May 17, 2022 10:07 PM
Scheme is a thief, saboteur, and trickster. On a heist gone wrong, a spike-explosion caused glass to shoot through his right hand. Now he has a black hole in the middle of his palm and he seeks for a cure for his hand, as well as dark secrets Kindgom is hiding. He is sly, seizing opportunity by subverting expectations and taking advantage of situations that usually get taken for granted. He's my attempt at making a quicker controller agent. _____________________________________________________________________________________
E: Vacuum
1 Charge; Recharge time is 1 minute.
Scheme holds out his hand for the next few moments. His hand contains a black-hole portal that will suck in the next enemy flash, molly, projectile util or util like Skye Ult or dog. Can only consume one enemy util. Util consumed this way disappears and doesn't effect anybody else. If successful, Vacuum ends and grants him movement speed for 3 seconds as well as an ultimate point.
Q: Curtain
2 Charges; 200 cost
Aim at any wall and click. A flat rectangular holo-smoke will "hang down" from that point, vertically all the way to the ground. It will be flush to the wall it hangs on and be as wide as two doorways. Curtains last 17 seconds.
C: Trick Wall
1 Charge; 300 cost
Small upright GLASS SCREEN. Must be placed extending from a corner where any wall meets the ground. The screen APPEARS transparent, but players and util are invisible through the screen meaning neither team can see players or drones or util through the glass. Any util, projectiles and gunfire fired through the glass shatters it. Lasts forever until it's shattered. The screen itself will be completely invisible, but as you get closer it will be more visible. The range is short and the wall is small, not wide enough to cover a doorway, but enough to hide behind.
Ultimate Ability: Mirror; 7 cost
Targets a wall. Turn any wall into a Mirror. Bullets can be shot off this mirror and will reflect, but at half damage. Bullets from both teams will reflect off the wall this way.
For his Singature ability, I wanted him to give him some sort of outplay ability. When people hit a site a lot of lineups, initiator util, flashes, etc. come out and this can help cut the edge off a push or a post-spike situation. This is to help counter that sort of play and encourage raw aim-battles. The move speed will help him reposition behind a corner or maybe behind an earlier placed screen. This also helps him play on his own a bit, especially in regards to controllers seemingly being discouraged from use in Solo queue.
With problems regarding smokes being too similar and controllers being unfun, I wanted to create something a little different. Placing smokes has been "OPEN a SECOND MAP AND PLACE" and clunky in order to help across the map. I want an agent that can do this sort of thing on the fly and on-site. Viper has a wall smoke that goes through a whole map but shoots straight from her. Scheme will provide a wall smoke that is meant to cover doorways or "extend" existing geography. Because his util seems very wall dependent for placement I found it appropriate for his next abilities as well for consistency.
Because we should be pushing the design-room that smokes fill, I also wanted to add an illusion screen ability to his kit. If it were a one way mirror, it would betray what I believe to be a cornerstone of Controller identity: util that is symmetric in effect to both teams and last a long time to effect the round. Walls, mollies and smokes all do this to that effect, and their strength is in proper placement. A properly placed illusion wall can provide lurking capabilities and open up deception outplays; A misplaced one can ruin a round.
His Mirror Ult follows the same philosophy: affects both teams, but the key is in choosing a wall at the right time. This will help create odd angles and can be used for both holding and pushing but can also be very dangerous as it can weaken your own position by providing a new angle on yourself. I don't know how powerful a tool like this could be or if it's even possible to make. It might be very difficult to implement.
Altogether my aim was for a controller that can support his team more locally, but also can be quick on his feet, while still encouraging methodical thinking and smart play.
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