My experience going from bronze 2 to Diamond 2 as a fill-in main (No BS)

Posted by Steve

Sunday, February 14, 2021 9:09 PM


  • Didn’t know what I was doing

  • Just played sage bc thats what everyone told me to

  • Sage got nerfed and tried other agents

  • Still learning the game


  • Leaned to get body shot kills
  • Flights got recommended on my yt and learned some blast pack spots
  • Played with my friend who was legendary eagle in cs (I didn’t play cs prior to valorant)
  • Learned to smoke with omen/brim


  • Got boosted to gold
  • Thought I was hot shit
  • Learned that solo queuing is a lot harder

###Back to Silver

  • Realized I’m shit
  • Played cs for a bit and subconsciously learned to actually peak and hold angles
  • Still learning to fully use the utility
  • Saw FlexNinja for outplay potential


  • At this point, I realized playing for fun rather than rank is way more enjoyable, and found way more confidence in my play and aim

  • Pretty much forced into playing whatever was needed when playing as a 2 stack

  • Got pretty good at Omen, Raze, Sova, and Sage

  • Bought dragon skin

  • Realized my aim is still dog

  • Played aimlabs for a bit

  • basically hard stuck gold all of act 3, but I was really focused on improving my aim and new ways to use utility

###Episode 2/End of Act 3

  • Got my aim well enough to win DMs with sheriff only - high scored 27 on hard bots with Jetts knifes (Please fix the Jett knifes in the training grounds)
  • My good Friend stopped playing


  • Kinda out classed everyone in terms of mechanics
  • teammates are kinda hit or miss: they’d either care too much about rank and play like a pussy or have that confidence to run through teams
  • Didn’t really have any close games, it was either a blow out or lose by 7 or so
  • Couldn’t really hard carry on pure aim, so using utility was mainly how I climbed out of plat
  • Playing as a fill Agent well allowed my teammates to play the agent they want the best they can
  • Almost everyone in plat is a 1 trick which causes fills to be so inconsistent and cost games


  • Basically all I can say is teamwork makes the dream work

Some BS tips everyone ignores

  • Don’t care about rank so much, nobody cares
  • If you do care about your rank that much, look for a stack because it’s not your teammates it’s you when you solo q
  • Actions speak louder than words, so don’t act like an entitled prick because you’re not the best

This is probably the most important tip- DON’T PLAY A DUELIST IF YOU’RE AIMS NOT GOOD

If this gets traction I’ll make a YouTube video with clips and more BS



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