Posted by Steve
Friday, April 23, 2021 8:55 AM
Bear with me, there's a process to this. Disclaimer: I'm not actually intentionally smurfing.
Game 1: Open up with a lucky ace on round 2, rest of the team says pls carry us, ends up baiting and/or camping lobby waiting for you to frag. FF called before halftime with 70% (no joke) of the team's kills. (-27RR)
Game 2: Three waaaay underage children yelling slurs (muted) end up molly/grenade/slowing you and shooting your location for enemy. At 6-12 clutch a 1v3 but let the game end for sake of mental health. Team MVP. (-28RR)
Game 3: Another 3stack, this time with one teammate at 250ms ping camping off-angles but can't hit a shot bc of lag, one decent player with a huge, fragile ego, and one uncalibrated person completely new to the game. Ask for some team coordination (smoke please for entry!) and get sworn out over voice ("don't tell me what to do"). 3stack throws a lead to lose the game. (-26RR)
Do that a couple evenings, and now the system thinks you're a boosted piece of garbage. You've been deranked two-three times. That's the secret recipe! Queue again!
Game 4: Absolutely stomp enemy team because they're all at least 3 visible ranks below you. Hidden elo must be rock bottom. Match MVP. (+18RR)
Game 5: Repeat game 4, because your RR gain is still disproportionately suppressed by recent winrate.
Enemy team says "gg smurf". Ding ding!!
Maybe just maybe there isn't that many smurfs in the game. Maybe it's just Valorant's awful elo system and an incredibly toxic player-base that pushes mid/low level players so far down that they end up crushing games that they shouldn't be in anyway. Either way, until the developers directly address this issue, Valorant's competitive integrity is a joke and disgrace.
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