Posted by Steve
Wednesday, December 30, 2020 10:36 PM
As the title says, yesterday was the first time I encountered a hacker in Valorant. I am not one to call "hacker" easily. I've been playing Valorant since the Beta and put multiple hours and hours into the game since then. It started off as a normal plat-diamond competitive game on Split (I was d2, stacked with a p2 and d1).
In the first round, my team got aced by the enemy Reyna, she had gotten 4 headshots and the round was done before we knew it, but these sort of things perhaps she was a smurf, this type of thing wasn't uncommon. We then processed into the second round where my teammates and I start getting insta killed through smokes. It isn't one of those "oh she just sprayed through smokes" and killed one of us, it was more she killed 4 of us through smokes. This is when I started to get skeptical with the rest of our team. She then proceeded to kill us through blinds, instantly headshot us as we peaked corners and pre-fired us. As the game went on it became more and more apparent that she was hacking, the sad part was she wasn't even trying to hide it and was even flaming our team calling us bad.

Now I understand this happens, we just have to report them and their hacks become ineffective eventually. The hacker itself isn't what annoyed me, it was their teammates. Their teammates were flexing and taunting us, after the second round they had said the Reyna was a "Radiant ++++ smurf", telling us to ff and that we were bad. Which meant two things, either they were getting boosted or they were just happy for the free win. Our team came to the conclusion that at least 3 of them were in a premade getting boosted. Now my point is that if a hacker does appear in a person's game, the game should be discredited for both parties because that is the only fair thing to do. Why should these people get a free win for obviously doing nothing, and for us to lose elo just because some asshole decided he wanted to cheat...
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