Posted by Steve
Tuesday, March 23, 2021 7:28 AM
I primarily play valorant with a good irl friend of mine. We have a lot of fun playing, but we also “play to win” as much as we can. We’ve been coming to an issue as of late. My friend exclusively plays Reyna and baits everyone out.
It’s annoying because I want to play on a site with him and utilize our comms, but he’s the most passive player on defence. He sits in corners, won’t peak to help anyone etc.
He’s always the last to rotate onto site for retake, choosing to take huge flanks slow walking all the way.
On attack he’s always lurking, barely entries and sometimes even baits people with the flashes. For instance, when pushing a site, he will flash out and then just not follow through. Entire team will be dead on site and he’s still just at the door way.
I try and give him constructive feedback but he really won’t listen and thinks he’s a better player than myself. I’m not amazing but I was the rank below global in CS and played some faceit so I know how these games works. In contrast, I think his highest rank was MG?
Overall I witness him lose game after game for us by throwing rounds baiting everyone. I lose us games too sometimes (everyone does) but it’s becoming apparent that my win rate would be far higher without him. In fact when I do play solo I have a way better chance of winning.
Idk what can I do to try and improve his outlook / game sense? He’s good mechanically, but the way he plays the game is becoming a limiting factor in us leaving plat.
Edit: it will be really common for him to get a 3k when everyone is pretty much dead and the round is over and he’ll say “shit guys you couldn’t just get 2 do I have to do everything”. And I just cringe lol.
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