My rank has gone up a lot since I stopped caring about K/D.

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, March 23, 2021 1:57 PM

So lately I've been having some really bad games on gun play, where I literally go 10.20 K/D. But I've been winning the matches. Sometimes my team mates make fun of me on voice, saying how are you on 10 kills after 20 rounds. But without blowing my own trumpet, the things I do in the match is potentially pulling us over the line.

I've been using Sage, Sova, KJ, etc. But I've been going in with the mindset of being a support role, rather than a kill hungry maniac. Yes, I enter sites first sometimes. But I gauge what is happening in the particular game to craft the way I play it. If I enter sites a few times in a row and keep getting insta killed, I'll hold back because I know that my abilities are there to assist my team and if I'm out, it's a big disadvantage for them - no heals, walls, recon, turret, swarm grens on spike. And even on Defence, I'll hang back. I won't peek too much and if they are rushing the site and I'm there alone I'll retreat, alert team mates and go for re-take.

Playing this style has got me from S1 to G2 and climbing. I might even reach Plat.

I used to get a lot of kills per match and focus on that, but I was always putting myself on the line. I'd go a lot of 1-1 trades at the start, so my team would lose me and the abilities my agent has along with me gone. I wouldn't say I was kill hungry, but I saw having a high k/d as some kind of achievement, where as it's actually meaningless. Winning the match is what matters.

Now this doesn't mean that I can be totally useless at gun play. I still get clutch moments, have rounds where I'll get multi kills and have big k/d games. But it's not my main focus. If my team mates are getting all the kills, I'm happy with that. Happy to just support them. Heal them or reveal enemy locations.

I'm sharing this for some insight into knowing that just by being a smart player, you can rank up pretty fast. Have faith in your team mates, help them. Don't use a Sage and burst into sites, never heal, never res. Unless you are highly skilled at gun play and can HS anyone you see with a one tap then just stay calm and support your team mates. Not only will it help them get kills, but it will seriously destroy the other teams confidence. There is nothing worse than 2 or 3 Sova recons in 1 round continuously revealing the enemy. Eventually they start changing tactics, staying back, hiding and destroying themselves in the process because they get scared to push.

And finally.. don't be afraid to be the designated spike planter. If nobody picks it up, then do it. Tell your team you are ok with planting, because somebody has to do it. You might get a lot of deaths out of it, but you will get the spike down and your team mates can defend. It's better than the alternative of a team mate having the spike, and standing around on site after you have taken it, wasting valuable time while the opposing team rotates from the other site.

So this is my story. Hopefully it can help a few people get out of lower ranks and up where their skill level should be.



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