My rank is too high for my skill and I feel bad playing comp

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, March 28, 2023 3:53 PM

I just came back to Valorant, barely ever playing it in the past (peak was plat) and I got placed gold, played a few matches and it skipped me to platinum, then I climbed to Diamond 2 where I am now. Im really not doing good at all any of the games I play yet I keep gaining RR now im facing high diamonds and ascendants and I keep getting teammates being toxic towards me because of performance. I honestly dont know what I can do, I don't even think I should be in diamond personally but I want to play ranked, but if I play ranked I don't do that well. Do I have to just stick to unrated? Sucks being flamed by teammates in a rank I didn't choose to get

TL:DR - I am in diamond facing Ascendants and Diamonds, I am not good enough for this rank, get flamed by teammates, can't purposely derank myself.



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