My ranked anxiety is tremendous, I need help

Posted by Steve

Friday, March 31, 2023 12:02 AM

My ranked anxiety is tremendous, I need help


I'm currently having some problems in comp. Every time I want to queue ranked I warm up in the Range. Overflicking medium bots with sheriff till I get 20, deadzoning medium bots with sheriff till I get 10 (from Woohoojin get to gold video). Then I do 2 maybe 3 DMs where I feel my aim is crisp. One tapping a lot of people, my DM MMR is relatively high as I get often matched against Ascendants Immortals and Diamonds, and I still do not too bad cause I end often in 6th place or so (even though the result doesn't matter, I play deathmatch exclusively to warm up, without game sound and with background music).

I challenged some of my friends in 1v1s in custom deathmatch modes and I won against them to our surprise, they were surprised at how often I one tapped them and I was also surprised.

But as soon as I queue ranked I am awful. Not one bullet connects.. For example I main Omen and in defense I hide behind a wall then flash three enemies and peek. If I was calm I would kill two by tapping them, they are flashed, what can they do ? But no, I spray and barely get one. And it's like this all the time.

Yeah sure sometimes I do good games but my gunfight hygiene is horrendous compared to during deathmatches. I feel like I compensate with strats and game sense when I should just take duels without caring (as Woohoojin said).

So I'm hardstuck silver since a lot of time. I've ranked up from bronze to silver in October and more than 300 ranked matches later I still am silver (here's my tracker).

I feel disappointed in myself, I get tilted by my uselessness, I know I can do better.. But how can I ? I almost exclusively five stack with my friends and I don't want to be holding them back.

I read many pieces of advice concerning ranked anxiety like creating an alt account. Does it really work ? I'm asking to people who suffered from it and got better. It is starting to get worse and worse at a point which I am having much more fun in deathmatches or in the Range than competitive matches. But I want to keep on loving the game.. In the beginning I was Iron I loved the game no matter my performance, I was horse poop with 0.3 KD average but I still loved it :'(

Thanks in advance for your help!



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