My stupidity has given me an idea for buffing Omen's ultimate

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, September 14, 2022 3:53 PM

When I first started playing, my friend (who mained omen at the time) would use Omen's ultimate regularly after I died and so in spectator, a bit of time after he'd used it, a quick cloud would form around his vision for about half a second and I thought Omen could tp back.

Here's where the idea comes in. What if Omen, after confirming the tp, could tp back to the previous location less then 20 seconds after he's teleported? You would hear an audio cue if he tp'd back, but this would make his ultimate potential.

Anyhow, let me know if you have any ideas on this.

Edit: Thanks for 1000 upvotes!!!! I'm happy others think it's a great idea, and yes I do agree with it being nerfed to something less :D



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