My teammates in bronze aren't the best-have you guys experienced the same in your games?

Posted by Steve

Monday, October 24, 2022 5:33 PM

So I’ve been stuck in bronze for a while now, and this act I’ve been playing a lot of comp. Lot more than I have in a while at least. I was wondering, whenever you guys queue into comps, do you ever get teammates with comms and duelists that actually do their job? In my experience, no. There’s also the fun kj player putting their turret in front of my team before the team pushes in :,) And it’s kind of annoying because In my experience playing comp this act either the enemy team has a smurf (usually a Reyna or Jett) or their team is entirely better than my team. And yea, that could be because my team is not working together like the enemy team but it just feels like the enemy team always have the better teammates. There are the rare occasions where my team gets the win, but it’s definitely not as much. What about you guys? And-does it get any better in higher elos?



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