NA lobbies are so much nicer than EU lobbies

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, January 10, 2023 1:14 PM

Just moved to London from NA a month ago. Here are two things I noticed. Will sound like I’m being mean to EU but its true.

1.) NA lobbies have toxic ppl but less frequently and the toxic ppl are less toxic. Practically every gold EU lobby is toxic. Genuinely tho its atleast 7/10. Especially french ppl holy hell every french guy is awful. Germans are better but still worse than NA. British ppl mostly bad too but dont comm v often. When you start losing you literally have to mute everyone.

2.) NA lobbies are way way more chill gameplay wise. Like EU lobbies have worse aim but sweat harder. NA lobbies just dont try nearly as hard and play a lit more casually considering their skill.

EU lobbies might totally disagree but how many ppl have actually done both. As someone who has. The difference in gold / silver lobbies is insane.

Also NA has way more women for some reason

Edit: about EU vs NA aim. I didn’t mean EU has worse aim, I meant that there are FAR more campers and patient defenders in EU. There are a lot of very good NA players aim wise in gold and silver (from other games I guess) who mess about and goof around. So jt feels like EU players (probably due to the environment) have slightly worse aim and better everything else to reach respective ranks.

This would make sense also given that a lot more EU players came from tac shooters like cs:go and siege while more NA players came from COD and fortnite. More NA players have transferred amazing game mechanics but don’t have the “tac shooter” mentality.



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