Need advice/tips for engagement/holding angles.

Posted by Steve

Monday, March 13, 2023 11:05 PM

I tried getting back into Valorant. I used to play back when it just came out and pretty much quit right after ranked came out and I received my rank. (Plat 3).

The reason I quit at the time was because my rank affected the public matches I received and it was basically people running around one tapping with just pistols all the time. It ruined the fun for my (new) friends that queue'd up with me.

Now after years, I decided to get back into the game. Immediately ranked, sometimes still unrated with friends. I'm now in Silver 3 and have lost the past 7 matches. All I've noticed is that people sidestep one tap every angle.

Like nobody seems to spray/control sprays. It's almost always a one tap sidestep from around corners. (I always thought you couldn't peek corners in Valorant?") I personally do not think I hold obvious angles.

But even when I am able to flank (fully stealth) I still get one tapped in the most annoying ways.
For example, enemy team decides to push to site. So they smoke off the only entrance to get flanked from.

I stealth walked right as it happened and decide to stealth walk through the smoke, but for some reason the person that smoked it off, decides to still hold the angle behind them. Even though everyone else is fighting on site on the complete opposite direction.

I feel like I pick more kills whilst playing more aggressively/no stealth at all than whenever I do try to play sneaky and loop around.

Anyone got any tips?

Should I just focus on my aim to get one taps? Cause most of the time I get the drop on people, but rarely hit HSs.



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