need help find an agent that fits my playstyle

Posted by Steve

Friday, August 27, 2021 7:00 PM

Currently sitting in bronze 2. I did take a break from CSGO and Val for a while but im getting back into Val. Back in csgo i was consistently a top frag because i never played entry, I was often like 3rd onto the site and had knowledge of where the enemies were at (perks of not entering and having 4 friends to play with)

With this being said i did end games with 7 enemies flashed and 300+ utility damage. As flashes and nades are part of my playstyle i do play kayo and have a 54% win rate through idk have many games (at least 20). I am a lot better on defence than i am on attacking, which definitely weighs in on the agent that suits my playstyle.

But ya I was gold nova in CSGO playing as a 3rd man onto sites and having a strong CT side. Not really sure which agent best suits that style



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