Posted by Steve
Thursday, January 13, 2022 1:00 PM
Hello! I have been testing out a few things with Neon since her launch in EU and have come to find some very neat Neon tech relating to her slide. To preface this will be a guide going over some relatively useless information that will most likely not end-up mattering in 90/100 situations you'll find yourself in during actual gameplay, but I thought it was exciting enough to make a post about so here I am anyways. Some of this stuff you might've already known from just playing but I'll be laying things out anyways even if a major portion of players already are aware of it. Also I am using Default Binds for most of my schtuff so I am going to assume you are as well.
First off some basic stuff regarding the slide, I am unsure of how exactly the game determines you are eligible to slide but my best guess would be that it checks for forward moventum in look direction of player. This means that we need to be a certain speed to be able to slide and our characters facing direction will be the anchor the game uses to determine the direction we will be sliding for all tech. Sliding after a jump is also possible since you are carrying forwards momentum as long as you don't press any contrary movement directions. NOTE: Slide mechanics seem the same while both in ultimate and sprint.
- Instant sliding. For our first piece of tech will be something relatively simple. The game does not require you to finish your animation of either going into sprint or popping ultimate to make the player eligible to slide. This means that as long as you have held your W key or you're carrying any other kind of forward momentum you can slide near instantly from pressing E/X.
- Zipsliding. Jumping off of a zipline manually will generate forwards momentum, I think this may be possible even without a manual jump but in my limited testing the momentum you get just by automatically letting go of the zipline wasn't enough for my attempts.
- Backwards Jumpslide. Now as I stated earlier you can slide after a jump, this also includes any eligible direction. Funnily enough for jumping specifically you can go as far as diagonally backwards. For this to work you need to let go of W and hold A+S or D+S depending of if you want to go diagonally left or diagonally right. The reason this works (I speculate) is because after jumping your character retains a certain amount of forward momentum regardless of contrary inputs in a tight window after landing.
- Sidesliding. Sidesliding is essentially a grounded, miler version of what I explained in Backwards Jumpslide. Essentially you just let go of W and input either A or D before sliding. The window for this one is very tight though. Since you are grounded you cannot input any contrary motion as that will cancel out your forward momentum too quickly in my testing so no backwards groundslides :(
- Silent fallslide. This one is very basic, you literally just hold shift as you're sliding off of something and you won't produce that loud THUD that comes with landing. ALSO note, in my testing sliding up or down slopes did not reduce distance, but sliding off of something did increase the length travelled simply due to you being in the air with all that momentum.
That is essentially most of the stuff I found, the rest either seemed to obvious to bring up or was just incredibly niche information. As for an example of how this kind of play could be incorporated into gameplay, have this!.
Also for a more general tip for those of you new to the agent always keep your movement unpredictable as it is often harder to shoot a moving target up-close than you might imagine. That is all! Now I shall return to my slumber and wake only once more niche stuff is found.
EDIT: Oh and I wanted to add that you can bind your equip primary weapon second bind to E to save yourself in situations where your dumb brain forgot to swap to your primary during / prior to sliding. They will overlap and the game will make sure you always get your primary out since the automatic weapon swap from the slide is faster than a usual equip anim.
EDIT2: Also just found out that you can double-slide, credit where credit is due and all that but it is really fascinating what one could string together with all this tech!
EDIT3: I found something interesting with the double-slide! Due to you carrying forward momentum during the first slide, as long as your first slide was any variant of the W slides (WA, W, WD) you can actually chainslide backwards while grounded! I haven't a clue if this is ever going to be relevant but it's assuredly an interesting find!
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