never done this bad in valorant. ever.

Posted by Steve

Monday, June 6, 2022 11:33 PM

When I first started playing valorant I had the usual rank progression, started low silver for a couple acts learning the game then I shot up to gold then soon enough to plat very soon after that. I took a beak and didn't really play the previous season because the hard reset put me all the way back into silver and it frustrated me because all my hard work was just down the drain it felt like.

This season I decided to get back into ranked and climb back up to plat (if I did it once I could do it again.... right?) - boy was I wrong. The beginning of the season was a success for me, I was silver 3 and climbed back up to gold 2 (2 wins away from gold 3 maybe even 1). The the losing streak came... I just kept losing. every single game. I would go on a losing streak of 5 or 6 win 1 then another 5 or 6 and it just keeps happening, I am now silver 3 again and a couple losses away from silver 2 (the lowest rank I've ever been since I started).

To put things into perspective, I've played 92 games this act and only won 37, a 40.2% win rate which is bottom 2% of all valorant players. I just don't understand. I'm not a bad player, sure I have a few games that I do poor and I understand why I lost but then there's games I drop 30 kills as cypher and still lose. I know it's not all about kills but I am doing everything I can and it shows but I just keep losing every single game man. I enjoy valorant so much but it's so hard to enjoy the game when all I do is lose.

if someone wants to play with me add me shoyo#deez. if you dont wanna lose I understand lmao



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