Never underestimate the power of Comms

Posted by Steve

Saturday, October 1, 2022 1:00 AM

I’m a Plat 3 player who was hard stuck silver and then hard stuck gold for way too long. I used to solo queue and I would try to use comms but I would give up when no one else would and I stopped solo queuing and would LFG.

Recently I started solo queuing again for some time now. I’ve been having a good amount of success lately because of comms. I made it to Plat 3 because of it. I’ll give you an example. We were losing a game 5-11. Someone put in the FF and three people accepted. I declined and spoke into the mic and just encouraged them not to give up. we just had to really focus up and be positive. We won that game 13-11. It’s best to work together to try to fix your gameplay and close the deficit then to admit defeat when the game isn’t over. The key to our success was: comms. We weren’t using comms most of the game when we were losing. When we started to use comms we were calling out everything. Where people were, how much damage was put, rotations, flashes, smokes, when someone was initiating, EVERYTHING. Once we did that it was over. We were steam rolling the other team. Don’t underestimate the power of Comms. Yes some people won’t communicate but if you continue to do it, it becomes infectious that other players start to do it too.



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