New agent concept idea.

Posted by Steve

Friday, March 18, 2022 6:31 PM

I don't know what their name will be I am open to any suggestions.

Their E ability will make a cone visible by the enemies and if they are in the cone they get muted(the only thing they can hear is spike being planted and defused and ult usage nothing else) for 5 seconds.

their E ability will start with 1 free use and then 200 credits for another one. It charges back up after 2 kills.

Their Q ability will sort of be like neon's except instead of making them faster they become invisible to tech like chamber and killjoy's bots as well as Cypher and Sova's cams. Note that for the cams there will be a sort of effect on the side of your screen letting you know that you are being tricked.

It will work with a bar at the bottom of the screen and whenever you have it active it uses charge. The only way to replenish it is with damage or kills. it cost 400 credits but you only need to buy one for a full charge.

Their C ability will be a trap of sorts that if a enemy makes noise like sprinting jumping or shooting they get marked and depending on how loud the noise is the longer they get marked. But you can only get marked once each time you enter the circle. you have a max of 2 traps and each one is 150 credits.

Their Ult I think this might be too OP but here it is. With 7 charges needed you can mute the entire enemy team for 5-10 sec I don't know how much is a good idea. If it is only 5 seconds then maybe the noise the enemy's make is amplified to you and your team mates.

tell me what you think. I am open to all types of criticisms.



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