Posted by Steve
Monday, January 11, 2021 5:04 AM
Hi! After my first agent concept, I wanted to try making another! Hope you all like it!
This is a rough concept for a new Agent - Nadine would be a French painter - a Radiant with the ability to create life through her paint.
Her E would be called Sketch - when used, Nadine equips a canvas map and can draw a line on eligible ground. Then, she paints a copy of herself that acts exactly like her that will patrol the line, granting its vision to allies as if it were a teammate. It will not attack, and killing it will not count as a kill. Sketch has one charge that cannot be replenished until the round ends.
Her C would be called Paintball - when used, Nadine instantly lobs a paintball which splatters upon hitting an enemy or a solid surface. Enemies hit are nearsighted, and ground covered in paint will slow players on top of it. Paintball has two charges that cost 100 credits each.
Her Q would be called Brushstrokes - when used, Nadine equips a paintbrush that allows her to select a teammate - when selected, she will begin to paint better armor for the teammate, regenerating any damage their armor has taken (5 armor/sec) and increasing the armor cap by 25, for a total of 75 armor. Brushstroke has two charges that costs 200 credits each.
Her X would be called Finishing Touch - when used, Nadine instantly performs a flourish, granting all teammates an additional 100 armor that begins to decay after a few seconds. Finishing Touch takes 7 orbs to charge.
Whaddya y’all think? Lemme know your feedback below!
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Who is this guy ?
Posted by Otto
Wednesday, November 24, 2021 7:00 AM
Don't keep pushing one site every round on Attacker Side.
Posted by Otto
Saturday, August 7, 2021 1:00 PM
Different maps isn't a problem, but more agents is, why not rework agents?
Posted by Otto
Saturday, April 1, 2023 5:19 AM