New Agent - Dozer

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, March 15, 2022 12:02 PM

Hi Guys,

I created an agent for Valorant, your thoughts/ideas are welcome-

Name - Dozer

Story- A radianite miner, who uses sonar to find and mine radianite, his one leg is made like a Shocker's Gauntlet (from Spiderman: Homecoming).


Q - Sonar Stomp - Stomps his legs to generate sonar pulse, which can detect enemies even behind the walls.

E - Smoke Bomb - Plants a bomb (Like Cypher's Cage) which will create one way smoke upon detonation.

C - Thrust Jump - He charges his legs (Like Sova's bow) to jump in the air, during this he can see where he is going to land.

X - Earhquake - Dozer smashes the ground with his feet blasting the ground beneath him which pushes or pulls the enemy around him in a certain diameter.

I am also working with my wife on the art, but if you want to make something and share, that will be really helpful.



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