New Agent Suggestion

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, November 10, 2021 10:21 AM

A nature/tree altering radiant who can control spaces in the map.


  1. The name of the abilities are just for ease of understanding
  2. The cost and the power of the abilities could be balanced by riot as per the requirement. Hence, I'm not mentioning it here.
  3. I'm not a artist, so everything is made in paint ;-;


Free [E] // Vines

On clicking the ability button, it opens up the map. By clicking anywhere, it raise vines from the ground on the designated area. Players have reduced visibility over the vines (partial visual obstruction) and reduced damage through the vines(like a shield / percentage damage reduce) along with low movement speed for walking over it. It affects both allies and enemies.

Usage: Like a controller's smoke, to temporarily block off certain areas on the map.

Use Case 1: While pushing into Haven A site. The agent could place vines in this location to reduce the visibility and damage in the showed location.

Tried to make on how it will look.

Purchasable ability 1 [Q] // Spores:

Create a wall (like viper's wall) which for few seconds releases spores. If any enemy player passes over it, the enemy agent gets confused (like paranoia in spike rush). In no way the wall creates any obstruction in the vison.

Usage: To stop enemies from pushing into the site.

Use Case 2: Once the spike is planted, the new agent could go to A main and then spread the spore wall like this. By this the enemies could be stalled for few seconds for the retake.

Purchasable ability 2 [C] // Whip

Several whips travel in the straight line travelling forward from the agent, pushing the player affected to the side (kind of pull from Astra's gravity well).

Usage: It could be use to cross a risky position or can be used to cancel a plant/diffuse if close enough.

Use case 3: Here the new agent is pushing from B elbow towards B tunnels from Top Mid, but Jett is holding angle in Nest. So to push Jett away from the holding angle, the new agent could push her out.

Ultimate [X] // Growth

Gradually tries to grow vegetation over players (allies and enemies) over certain huge area (like breach's ultimate but a bit smaller). While the vegetation is growing on player, it reduces movement and shooting speed. But if the player stays too long (several second) in the area without moving, the player along with the weapon gets temporarily stuck in the vegetation growth. The player cannot move and aiming speed/sensitivity is reduced a lot, with it the weapon recoil gets reduced as weapon is also stuck in the vegetation.

Usage: To take over a site by ulting on a site and pushing quickly before enemy could hold angle. Or by assisting team-mates to hold a angle by sticking them to a specific angle with reduced recoil.

Tried to make on how it will look.



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