New agents splash art icons criticisms.

Posted by Steve

Saturday, April 22, 2023 7:43 PM

All the agents that came before Fade show their face in a fairly similar manner with visible and symmetric eyes. When an agent splash art wasn't symmetrical the artists would actually make a new icon different from the splash art. (Neon and Yoru for example). But nowadays the valorant team just take the original splash art and cut, rotate, and (in Gekko's case) invert the face and make just some little small changes to the icon instead of creating a new one. The old icons, because they are symmetrical look a lot better in the minimap for example (Fade's icon in the minimap looks like a blob)

In Gekko's case it is so weird that they actually made a new one that will be released soon, but it still doesn't look perfect like what we used to get...



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