New champ idea: Vince

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, July 20, 2021 9:09 PM

New Champ Idea: Vince

I thought of a balanced and pretty good champ idea here it is:

First Ability: InVINCEible (2 Charges) [Recharges every 12 seconds]

Makes Vince invincible for 21second (recharge starts 10 seconds into ability)

Second ability: Vince Grip (1 charge) [300 credits]

Vince pinches the mini map with his fingers, creating a vice grip that squeezes the enemy team’s screens making them play in 4:3 for the rest of the round (those who play 4:3 will now need to play 4/3:1)

Third Ability: In VINCEinity (2 charges) [100 credits]

Vince locates everyone on the map and makes them teleport in to a 1m circle around him (think like Mordekaiser in LoL, but everyone gets sent to a 1m shadow realm)

Ultimate: VINCEtory [3 ult points cost]

Vince has places to be. No time to play after first full buy. Win the game and make everyone but Vince lose max mmr


I almost forgot about his passive...


smokes cigars inside hookah on Bind, Eats Pizza on Ascent, Writes name with pee on snow in Icebox, Gives frog a smooch on Split.

Idk I tried to keep it pretty balanced so if something seems off be sure to let me know. What do you guys think?



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