New character to fight against molotovs?

Posted by Steve

Friday, May 21, 2021 11:33 PM

Any way we can get a character that like can extinguish one Molotov or like produce a barrier to block incoming molotovs for 2 seconds? I feel like line ups kinda have taken the game hostage. I mean they require skill but it needs a counter. Like some way for people to have atleast a chance to counter molotovs and such. I feel like if you stall the round long enough, molotovs just guarantee you the win since some molotovs can buy you like 8 plus seconds. In Cs, a smoke could counter a Molotov and you couldn’t toss molotovs across the map with a line up. I mean sure there are some really far range line ups but genuinely I feel like the molotovs go way too far in this game like legit flying over buildings. At one point you can just back out of site completely and spam molotovs to stall time. Like something needs to be able to extinguish a lineup. Whether the extinguisher only extinguishes one Molotov one time a round or something. The meta has gone to stalling rounds which is kinda sad smart but kinda sad. I feel like a one Molotov extinguisher character can be like super good without being super op. Like maybe introduce a snow character or some idiot with a vacuum that can suck or extinguish a Molotov once a round. Atleast then you can buy yourself abit of time to half a defuse.

This is viable outside lineups. Like if the enemy drops a slow orb or some Molotov into a rotation entrance to stop rotations, the character can suck it up or extinguish it so the team can pas the entrance. I mean it’s situational but there is no way you couldn’t like make use of the ability to extinguish a Molotov. Maybe you and your team wants to rush but the entrance gets molotoved by viper or brim, just extinguish it up so your team can cross. I feel like the character would be super viable without being super op just because legit 4 characters so far have some sort of Molotov that deals tons of damage and can stall for a decent amount of time. Or how about a character who’s ultimate produces like a bubble bigger than a smoke that can bounce projectiles off but not bullets. Maybe it can block only a certain amount of damage from an ultimate. Like it can block one sova ult charge or 2 shock darts. Or half a brimstone ult before disappearing. That way people can atleast half the defuse instead of being unable to half it due to Molotov spam



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