New comp changes made low elo awful

Posted by Steve

Saturday, March 6, 2021 7:14 PM

New comp changes made low elo awful

High elo players probably dont have this problem but in low elo, ive been getting SO many throwers since Act 2. Ive played 6 comp games lost all of them (Top fragged 3, went positive in 2, and played like shit in the other) and our 4 stack just cant win cause its a 4v5 all the team, this isnt the team is bad im good BS u see, we just have gotten throwers in legit all but 1 matches. They consist of:

- A bottom fragging shotgun only Jett
-A KJ that had their team chat turned off (we werent toxic it was turned off before game started)
- A guy who legit admitted to throwing to get his friend that's iron into silver

- And a breach doing a Reyna cosplay, not flashing and just holding W insta dying every round

Also in 2 of games there was a dude that I dont think was smurfing but just shat on us and clearly should have been Gold/plat but was stuck in iron 30 (Both the 2 dropped 35+ bombs). None of this really happened in Act 1, at least not this often. The changes to rank have mad it awful to play and getting a thrower every match is awful. Pic of the dude saying he was trying to throw and boost his friend. I dont have pics of the other ones but yeah, comp is aids, also bring back "Yes" voice commands and phoenix this is fine during mid round lol



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