New game mode is amazing

Posted by Steve

Saturday, December 10, 2022 1:14 AM

Among all the negativity of certain mains (mainly sage, viper and chamber) about the nerfs and reworks I want to mention a positive thing about this update. I really love the new mode. My warmup usually included like 10-20 minutes in practise range, then a few DMs and I'd go into comp but my brain wasnt kicked into gear so the first few rounds if not first game I'd make bad calls. Unrated was too long for a warmup and I'd start feeling fatigue way too early so a middle ground between no game and too much fatigue is a perfect mode to warm up and get into the right mindset before queueing comp or even to check if you are feeling fine to go comp without much or any fatigue. Might just be me but thats one of the few things I absolutely love about this new update.



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