Posted by Steve
Wednesday, July 13, 2022 11:33 AM
There should be a new gamemode featuring an Olympic-style competition where there are two teams and each team uses abilities to do certain tasks, such as throwing Sage orbs into buckets or hitting a target with Sova’s recon. Maybe a thread the needle type of game with Cypher’s trips and a maze game using Yoru’s teleporting orb. A fire war with Phoenix’s Molotov vs brimmy’s, etc. Just a fun thought
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12-12 and dragging ass, luckily my hands did some quick thinking for me. Music to my ears after a frustrating game
Posted by Otto
Friday, February 19, 2021 9:38 PM
Impact on games with sleep
Do any of you have any experience playing with lack of sleep vs regular sleep because I have been playing worse recently but getting 2-3 hours less sleep than usual. Does sleep impact performance in game or am I just playing bad?
Posted by Otto
Tuesday, May 11, 2021 1:00 PM
This is the reason why people are Hardstuck.
So in this recent update they said that they made ranking up easier. They put a cap of 50 rr points on a win and -30 rr points for a lose. I'm just wondering why is my rr points the same when losing and winning, is there something I didn't...
Posted by Otto
Wednesday, January 20, 2021 12:31 AM