New Knife Skin Concept: Fist

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, June 16, 2021 4:50 AM

Alot of you have probly seen that there is many cool knifes in valrant. However, one of the most requested ideas in the whole game is that people want riot to let us use our FISTS instead of knifes. Then instead of sliceing up your enemys, your alowed to PUNCH them.

Here is some of the main reasons why people wana add fists in valrant:

Number #1: some of the agents is pretty weak (Like yaru who got very skinny legs and probly needs to go to the gym) so they get tired very fast after carying around alot of extra weight. When they can use there fists, then they wont have to cary a knife.

Number#2: Many of you agree that in real life, its AWSOME to PUNCH people when they are not looking. Sometimes valrant can be boreing so it would be way more fun to punch your enemys in the face.

Number#3: Alot of knifes cost alot of money, but becuse your not useing a knife anymore, then it cost zero dolars to use your fists and you can still look COOL without takeing out another mortgage on your house to buy the new skins

Now , especialy for the newer skins , riot has been adding alot of cool special features to make you wana get it. For example the “Tether realms” melee weapon you actualy got a sword with a knife at the same time, the forsaken skins are evil version of sovergn skin, and the dragon skins automatically allow you to file for bankruptcy.

The “Fist” skin got a even cooler concept: if your teammate is being anoying, then your alowed to PUNCH them. This would be very useful becuse especialy in some high elo game (Like me where im rank: Iran 2 ), then you could team kill them if they say a sware or comitting identity theft.

Overall, this would be one of the coolest knifes in the game, and the only bad thing about it is that nobody would wana buy anymore skins from Riot becuse this one is to awsome. Here is what it looks like in game:



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